Sunday, February 28, 2016

Didn't you used to be Royal Crown Cola?

Did you know that RC Cola is the official soft drink of Tajik Airlines?  Before my flight from Bishkek to Dushanbe, I didn't.  As far as I can tell it's the only entity on the planet that has RC as an official soft drink.  And Tajikistan might be the only the nation in the world where RC has a major portion of the market share.  I am old enough to remember when RC was a big national brand in the US that advertised on the three major TV networks--back when there actually were major TV networks. After being bought and sold by several beverage conglomerates with about as much care and thought as a dog might use when playing with an old shoe in the backyard, RC today is a major player in the Tajikistan market and not much else.  It seems the global economy is composed of a few winners. Then there's the rest of the world.

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