Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Top-10 Things I've Learned in Kyrgyzstan Thus Far

10.  In this country you can actually eat lamb 365 days a year without any effort at all.

9.    It takes at least six months (and still counting) for a postcard to get from here to the U.S.

8.    There are more statues of Lenin per square mile in Kyrgyzstan than in any other nation.

7.    It is surprising how little oxygen is available in the atmosphere when living at 2200 meters.

6.    Standing in line in Kyrgyzstan can sometimes be a contact sport.

5.    There are times when a piece of dark chocolate can feel like a precious commodity.

4.    How wonderful it is to be outside of the U.S. during an election year, especially this one.

3.    Kyrgyzstan has a rugged, mountainous beauty reminiscent of some of the more-splendid parts of Montana or Wyoming.

2.    College students are wonderful, fascinating, remarkable people to work with no matter what country they are from.

1.    The most important feature of the place you live, wherever you might find yourself, are the people who live there.

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