Thursday, November 2, 2017

The most frightening demon I have ever been on Halloween

I had warned students and colleagues that I would I have the most frightening Halloween costume ever. And I wasn't kidding, though everyone thought I was, as sometimes I have been know to do a little bit of joking, though not often.

When I finally unveiled my costume, most everyone understood that indeed I had chosen to depict the most horrible goblin one could imagine. One of my co-workers, even shielded her face every time I walked by as the sight of me caused her great horror.

One person though, did say that they didn't understand and didn't find me particularly scary. They said I would have been more frightening if I had been dressed as a vampire or other monster.

Hmmm, I thought to myself, then replied.

*How many monsters do you know who are responsible for taking away the health care (CHIP program) of hundreds of thousands of poor children, some of whom will die because of they no longer have access to health care? Dracula himself never sucked the blood out of so many people.

*And how many ghosts have access to the nuclear codes and could wipe out millions with a single entry into a keypad? And this person I was depicting had even blithely suggested he might want to use these nuclear weapons and do exactly that.

*And what evil Halloween monsters openly brag about doing horrible things to women like grabbing...well, we all know about that.

*And have you ever met a goblin who mocked the disabled, constantly attacked people with foul words, who defrauded thousands of their money with a fake university, and who cheated hundreds and hundreds of small, honest business people by refusing to pay them for their work and services, just so he could line his own pockets?

Soon, the person understood, that I had indeed chosen to depict one of the most dreadful and frightening demons imaginable on this Halloween. But, what they couldn't understand was why any nation on the planet would choose to elect such a ghoul to be its leader.

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